Branch Vacancies

If you are a UNISON member in the Bournemouth Higher & Further Education Branch and you are interested in one of the vacant roles, please get in touch with the Branch Office:

Education Co-ordinator:
Helps arrange training courses and education programmes for members, stewards, health and safety reps and Branch officers. Please click here for more information.

Retired Members Secretary:
Supports UNISON retired members by campaigning on their behalf and organising local activities. Please click here for more information.

APF Political Officer:
Liaises with the local Labour Party and makes sure the views of UNISON members who pay the APF levy are heard. Please click here for more information.

Young Members Officer:
Advises and helps recruit young members while ensuring their voices have an influence across the union. Please click here for more information.

Welfare Officer:
Assists members in making welfare claims & campaigns around welfare issues related to the Branch. Please click here for more information.

Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator:
Works with employers and co-ordinates the work of union learning reps in supporting members with lifelong learning and skills for life. Please click here for more information.

International Relations Officer:
This officer develops and leads on international solidarity activities including campaigns, twinning with sister unions and support for projects abroad. Please click here for more information.

Women’s Officer:
The branch women’s officer (BWO) offers the opportunity to bring about important changes for women in the workplace. Please click here for more information.